Common questions

Common Questions
For more information about our work and how we are are looking to make design accessible to all these common questions are a good place to begin.

What is Right Aligned?
We are on a mission to build a digital first platform that shares the experiences of people working in design. We do this by exploring authentic issues, common problems and relatable topics including diversity, well–being and equality. We believe it is time to make creative industries accessible to all, irrelevant of age, ability and background.

What sort of content is available?
Our aim is to provide our community with a collection of accessible inspiration including live talks, studio workshops, design courses, empowering stories and in–person experiences.

Where do I get live event tickets from?
You can book tickets by click the events link in the header banner. If you follow our profile you will be notified of new events giving you priority access to early–bird and general admission tickets.

Do you record live content?
We do record all live content and distribute it in a variety of ways.

Can I take particpate?
We are always looking for people including juniors, freelancers and founders to participate in our programme. Our mission is to elevate all voices, irrelevant of age, ability and background so if you’d like to talk about getting involved email us.

What are studio workshops?
When we started out all we wanted was to go inside the agencies we admired the most but unless you were hired it was impossible to see how they worked. To bridge this gap we invite studios of all sizes and at every stage of the journey to take us inside their work by sharing the processes employed. This incredible insight has helped our community boost their knowledge and improve their ability.

Do you provide training?
Yes! We work with people to help them understand how to move forward with renewed energy and excitement. You might be thinking of going solo and need to breakdown how do it or if you want to increase your teams knowledge then we can help produce group focused training. We also work in collaboration with specialist designers including strategists, animators and developers.

Do you host in–person events?
Our sister brand, Process Events, takes our digital–first talks in to the real world. After our first, sold out experience in Manchester we have been developing a community of ambassadors across the UK. We believe it’s time to unite people, elevate voices and celebrate diverse ideas by championing regional freelancers, founders and teams.